Johane Masowe, emerged as a visionary figure whose life was shaped by profound spiritual encounters and divine guidance. Born in 1914 in the village of Gandanzara, Zimbabwe, Masowe’s transformative journey began in 1932 when he received a divine mandate during a period of intense prayer on Marimba Hill. Inspired by his vision, Masowe dedicated his life to spreading the message of love, compassion, and righteousness among his fellow Africans, embarking on an itinerant preaching ministry that spanned four decades until his passing in 1973. His teachings, rooted in the traditions of Moses, John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ, emphasized the importance of spiritual awakening, community empowerment, and service to humanity. Today, his legacy lives on as our church continues to honor his vision, striving to uplift souls, foster genuine connections, and embody the timeless principles of faith, humility, and love.
The church was established with the spiritual awakening and itinerant preaching ministry of Johane Masowe, which began in 1932 following his divine encounters and commissioning.
The goals of our church extend beyond individual spiritual awakening to encompass broader societal transformation rooted in love, compassion, and justice. We aspire to create a community where individuals are empowered to live authentically and contribute positively to the world around them. Through our outreach efforts, educational programs, and service initiatives, we seek to address systemic inequalities, promote social harmony, and alleviate suffering in our local and global communities. Additionally, we aim to cultivate a culture of deep spiritual growth and exploration, providing resources and support for individuals to deepen their connection with the divine and live in alignment with their highest purpose. Ultimately, our overarching goal is to be a beacon of hope, inspiration, and positive change in a world in need of healing and transformation.
To awaken souls, foster community, and serve humanity through the transformative power of divine love and spiritual enlightenment.
To create a world where all individuals are empowered to live authentically, embrace diversity, and walk a path of compassion, integrity, and purpose.
We embrace compassion, foster belonging, uphold honesty, prioritize selflessness, encourage exploration, and welcome all with open arms.